How the Partnership Works for You

- Merchant emails sent out offering a lot of informative information (classes, street closures, city-wide info, and more.)
- Merchant-only Facebook page to share information.
- We are a Main Street America accredited program with 4 Main Street committees that work together to support and grow the downtown area (Parking & Safety, Design, Marketing & Promotion, and Economic Vitality & Development.)
- Monthly Merchant meetings - 2nd Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm, with mixers on a quarterly basis.
- First Friday events monthly to promote the downtown area.
- Multiple large-scale events during the year that bring a lot of people to the downtown area from all over.
- Weekly farmers market that runs every Wednesday 11:30 am - 2:30 pm June - October.
- Option to bring your business outdoors as a vendor for our large events and farmers market at no additional cost to you.
- Military Discount/Wesley College Discount Programs with free advertising and marketing materials offered to you.
- Strong Small Business Saturday event where we offer shopping prizes to the customers and retail swag at no cost to you.
- Yearly cost of $25,000+ spent on advertising to promote the downtown area.
- Holiday shopper's incentive card put out and offerings of prizes at no cost to you.
- Recognition of your business on our website and Facebook page with links.
- Downtown event marketing materials at no cost to you.
- Facade and architectural grants available with in-house assistance to help you with the process.
- Ribbon Cutting/Anniversary Promotion Assistance
- Open door policy for you to air your comments, ask questions, make suggestions, etc.
- Acts as a liaison for issues with the City.
- Weekly visits to check in.
- Map & Guides provided for visitors that list all of our businesses at no cost to you.