Parks @ Downtown Dover

Downtown Dover's business and arts are nestled around unique green and sculptural spaces. Whether you want an experience surrounded by trees or learning about the history of the First State, you will enjoy our one-of-a-kind local parks & murals!
First State Heritage Park
"Delaware’s first urban park without boundaries, First State Heritage Park explores the stories of remarkable Delawareans and innovative governance in the First State. Interpreters clothed head-to-toe in Revolutionary garb await to lead visitors in signature thematic walking tours, seasonal lantern-lit programs, craft workshops, and special events highlighting bygone eras. Oriented around the Dover Green, where Revolutionary soldiers marched, the US Constitution was ratified, Freedom Seekers escaped slavery, and crusading suffragists expanded equality, there is so much to discover in this historic half-acre! Visitors begin their experience at the John Bell House before visiting other sites in walking distance, including the Old State House, Legislative Hall, The Biggs Museum of American Art, the Delaware Public Archives, and Johnson Victrola Museum. Take a step back in time or relax in soft grass beneath the towering trees that have shaded visitors for 150 years, all at First State Heritage Park." A partnership of state and city agencies under the leadership of Delaware State Parks.
43 The Green (John Bell House)
(302) 739-9194
Blackshear Park (New & Dover Streets)
Lighted softball field, basketball, playground equipment for ages 3-5 and 5-12, swings, and open grass area.
301 Dover St.
(302) 674-7541
Constitution Park
This sculpture park commenorates the ratification of the Constitution of the United States, featuring a 13 ft. bronze quill feather laid across a stainless steel cube etched with the Constitution and its 26 amendments (circa 1987) and set amid boulders of local Delaware granite. The stainless steel cube stands on a point representing the delicate balance of the three branches of the federal government. The polished letters reflect the surrounding landscape and are meant to be a symbol of the Constitution's reflection of the changing human landscape of the country. The stars and stripes pattern is representation of the flag of the original 13 states. The central star stands for the creed of individual human liberty proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence; that "all men are created equal" and are equally endowed with unalienable rights. Accenting the central sculpture is a low sepentine wall which bears granite caps inscribed with the names of the original thirteen states and the dates they ratified the Constitution. The nib or point of the quill is pointing to Delaware, the first state to ratify the Constitution. The sculpture was commissioned to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the ratification of the Constitution on December 7, 1787. Constitution Park was dedicated on September 17, 1988.
- NEW - Revolutionary War Patriots: "This marker commemorates the men and women who achieved American independence. These Patriots, believing in the noble cause of libery, fought valiantly to found a new nation. 1775 - 1783." Presented by Delaware State Society Daughters of the American Revolution in honor of the 250th anniversary of the United States.
North & State St.
(302) 674-7541
Division & Kirkwood Streets Park
Features playground equipment for ages 2-5 and 5-12, lighted basketball court, and park benches.
430 W Division St.
(302) 674-7541
The Green
Laid out in 1717, following a plan created by William Penn in 1683, to serve as a gathering area for the growing town. The Green has played a role in the American Revolution, founding of the nation, Women's Rights, Civil Rights, and more. Receive a National Park Passport Stamp at the Old State House. Interpreted by First State Heritage Park and registered under the National Park Service at a National Historical Park. Special events are held here throughout the year such as Dover Days, Spring & Summer Performing Arts Series, 18th Century Market Fair, and more!
- "A scene so beautiful not even Hollywood could recreate it!" - Tom Smith, Delaware Shoppes
25 The Green
(302) 739-9194
Legislative Mall
Also known as "Capital Square", Legislative Mall is an open green space between Legislative Hall, the current State Capitol building of Delaware, and the Old State House, the site of the State Capitol from 1792 to 1932. The space frequently hosts festivals and meeting groups from throughout Delaware, with easy access to the State legislature as well as ample parking on weekends and evenings. Also features the Liberty Bell Replica, a symbol of Freedom and Independence. Visit the Museums page for more information about the historic buildings that complete the Capital Square Complex.
410 Legislative Ave.
(302) 739-5644
Loockerman Way Plaza
Green space in the center of downtown's business district.
126 W Loockerman St.
(302) 674-7541
Mary Street Park (Dover Park)
Playground equipment for ages 5-12, swings, and open grass area.
490 Mary St.
(302) 674-7541
Memorial Park
Overlooks Mirror Lake, at the head of the St. Jones River. The park features wonderful hardwoods, pine trees, and flowering dogwoods. The Delaware Fireman's Monument is the centerpiece of the park. Etched on the monument are the names of all Delaware Firefighters who have given their live sin the line of duty. Also includes park benches and open space.
Memorial Park
(302) 674-7541
Orville Myers
Small park decorated with flower beds seasonally.
Division & State St.
(302) 674-7541
Silver Lake Park
Connected to the St. Jones River, Silver Lake offers natural views and outdoor ammenities in downtown Dover. Features pavillions, grills, playground equipment for ages 2-5 and 5-12, swings, fitness course, walking paths - on display: Dover Public Library's Storywalk, boat ramp, fishing access, open grass area, and parking on site.
300 Washington St.
(302) 674-7541
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